@TwitterDev London Meetup & Xmas Party!

London Twitter Developer Community

Dec 13, 2016, 6:30 – 9:00 PM


About this event

We're back at Twitter London HQ on December 13 for out next Meetup. 

Outline Agenda

How we use use Twitter’s API to build features on TweetDeck

Andreas Savvides and Eleanor Harding from @twitter - @andrs is a Software Engineer, @tweetanor  is a Product Designer

• Twizoo  A walk through of some of the algorithmic techniques and Python tools which form part of the machine-learning technology that sifts through millions of Tweets a day to pick out the very best related to an entity— like a restaurant or a product. Live demo showing how to get the best results when building machine learning models with Twitter data.

• Dan Bovey - Creating an Open Source Browser Extension one emoji at time!

@LevelNewsOrg - grassroots news gathering and curation powered by open source tools, and introducing bb8877, a prototype twitter bot that scrapes links out of pre-configured list of twitter accounts

• Open mike – (All) Present for 4 minutes on your project or app, demo for one minute. Maximum 3 slides. (Slides to be sent no later than 24 hours before the event)

Networking – Plenty of time to talk to fellow developers.

Community notes and queries – Open discussion,  questions you need answers to, information you are looking for.

And of course, this is also a good time for us to celebrate the Holiday Season!  So join us and enjoy some yummy food, mulled wine, mince pies and a selection of nice drinks.

Thank you to Twitter for sponsoring food/drinks and of course for hosting us this Tuesday.

This is meetup group is for developers using technologies provided by Twitter and is supported by Twitter but independently organised by Angus Fox (@nuxnix) and Gen Ashley (@coderinheels).


  • Gen Ashley

    London Twitter Developer Community Lead

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