A look at the future of the Twitter API

Boulder Twitter Developer Community

Jun 8, 2017, 12:00 – 3:00 AM


About this event

*Doors open at 6pm, talks start at 6:30pm*

Welcome to the June 2017 Boulder Twitter Developer Community Meetup!

This meetup is all about the Twitter APIs, with an introduction to using the current public APIs and a look into what the future has in store.

Note: In order to visit our offices, you must register your name and email. Please make sure to do so using this link.


• Introduction - Jason Hill (@hilljb) & Kelly McMichael (@kellyshalk)

Jason Hill (@hilljb) Senior Data Scientist at CA Technologies

Jason uses Twitter data for various social and sports analytics purposes. He will give a brief introduction to using the public (free) APIs. If you've ever wondered how to download tweets from the Twitter stream as they are posted, or how to write a script that posts tweets automatically, you'll learn that here.

• Rob Johnson (@robjohnson) Head of Product at Twitter

The Future of the Twitter API Platform

Rob is Director of Product at Twitter, where he guides the product and engineering teams responsible for Twitter's API platform and data business. Prior to joining Twitter, Rob was an early employee and VP of Product at Gnip where he guided the product strategy from earliest days as a startup through growth, scale and acquisition. Rob has long been a champion of the power of Twitter data and the developers who build with it.  Rob is a graduate of Clemson University where he studied computer engineering. Today he lives at the base of the Rocky Mountains in Boulder, CO.


• Jeff Lesser (@jefflesser) Senior Product Marketing Manager at Twitter

Building on Twitter's New Direct Message APIs

Jeff is a Senior Product Marketing Manager leading the marketing of the initiative responsible for making Twitter the best place for businesses and people to connect. When going beyond 140 characters Jeff likes to snowboard, bike, listen to music and try new beers and whiskeys.


Snacks and drinks will be served after the last presentation

Directions: We'll be meeting at the Boulder Twitter offices at 1301 Walnut Street (floor 4) in downtown Boulder. The entrance is on Walnut Street a bit east of 13th. We're on the fourth floor. There is a parking structure one block east of the office above the bus station at Walnut Street and 14th Street, with an entrance east of the bus station on Walnut. 

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